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Ok Here is the Deal.

The reason I haven't blogged in a while (whoa deja vu) is because... well what it comes down to is that I kinda forgot about this blog because after my buddies and I came out of our comas we realized that our plans never work and we need to join forces and conquer the world cooperatively! Was that a run on sentence? I don't care! You know why?! Because I am soo evil I don't have to follow the rules of grammar if I don't want to! Dr. Motherlode has been acting really weird lately, he agreed to cooperate with "Operation Teamwork" (that's what we are calling it), but it took a lot of convincin'. I have always wondered about that Dr. Motherlode fellow, he seems a little too independent, and I wonder if he is really with us on this whole "teamwork business." There is only one problem with our otherwise genius plan... we don't what it is yet. All we know is that we are gonna work togeda. As they say in Jamaica. We are gonna meet in a shady bar in the middle of a thunderstorm wearing black hat and coats to work it out. It's gonna be just like the movies!

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